BJJ Transition Belts – Adult


A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt that lets your hard work shine through!

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The Fight Hub’s Transition Belts are quality crafted with a transitioning color core.

Each Belt’s core is comprised of the color of the next Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt. Over time, through the natural occurrence of wear, from training and washing, the Belt will begin to wear, exposing the color of the next rank. White Belts will show a Blue Core, Blue will show a Purple, Purple shows Brown, and Brown will show a Black Core.

***The exposure of the next color will simply hint at the mat time and tough training your Belt has seen. It is not a guarantee of promotion. That is up to your Instructor***

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Belt Color

White, Blue, Purple, Brown


A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5

The Fight Hub’s Transition Belts are quality crafted with a transitioning color core.

Each Belt’s core is comprised of the color of the next Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt. Over time, through the natural occurrence of wear, from training and washing, the Belt will begin to wear, exposing the color of the next rank. White Belts will show a Blue Core, Blue will show a Purple, Purple shows Brown, and Brown will show a Black Core.

***The exposure of the next color will simply hint at the mat time and tough training your Belt has seen. It is not a guarantee of promotion. That is up to your Instructor***

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